Arun`s Blogspot -- Everthing under d sun

I am a post-doctoral fellow pursuing research. This blog is about my take on some interesting and important (atleast for me) things in my life.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Nature at its best - Birth

The more I see around myself, the more I am amazed at the beauty of Mother Nature. This blog comes about due to an incident which occured today. One of my friend`s cousin gave birth to a girl yesterday night. We had gone today to see the baby. I was amazed by the sight of it.

First to start off, how could an individual, a baby develop from just a single cell (the zygote, after fertilization of a sperm and an egg). We are all products of this development which occurs from a zygote, a single cell, to the formation of a small baby (with all organs and many different kinds of cells). It is Nature at its best. Mother Nature does this amazing thing again and again to every individual, but never boasts of it.

The next thing is the baby itself. After 9 months of being in the womb, it decides to come out and meet the world face on. Who tells it that its time is up inside the womb. The baby`s bones are still not as hard as it should be. It is pink and its skin is very soft. After coming out, it starts to breathe. And slowly all the sensory actions develop, seeing, smell and touch.

The other important aspect if this wonder is of the mother. The mother carries the baby in the womb. After carrying a weight of 1 kg for a couple of hours we struggle with it, the mother carries the baby for 9 months. Man this is tough. She provides baby with nourishment and everything that is needed for it. Also, the pains they bear to deliver, well no words can describe it. I salute you, O Lady.

The baby when born is very cute and wonderful, but as it grows up it does not remain the same. Mother Nature provides us with an wonderful platform for everything. Enjoy the small beauties, not the monetary part of it alone.


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